Beauty Salon Equipments & Supplies
Established in late 1983 as a single proprietorship by Dioceldo Sy, EBCI launched its first line of product - "Ever Bilena" Nail Polish. Despite the difficult business climate brought by the Aquino-Galman assassinations, Ever Bilena was an instant success.
Cosmetics & Personal Care Perfumes - Shopping Beauty Salon Equipments & SuppliesAvon, the company for women, is a leading global beauty company, with over $10 billion in annual revenue. As the world's largest direct seller, Avon markets to women in more than 100 countries through approximately 6.5 million active independent Avon Sales Representatives. Avon's product line includes beauty products, as well as fashion and home products, and features such well-recognized brand names as Avon Color, ANEW, Solutions, Skin-So-Soft, Advance Techniques and Avon Naturals.
Beauty Salon Equipments & Supplies Fashion Accessories & JewelryEach patient receives a thorough & careful evaluation to provide a personalized & customized treatment based on individual patient’s need. We offer a wide range of cosmetic dermatology procedures that are non-invasive, sage, effective, affordable & specific to your present needs. Each procedure is performed by highly trained & license professionals. We guarantee to provide you a clean & secure private facility, maintained under strict conditions.
Beauty Salon Equipments & Supplies Beauty Salons Dermatologists